Connection Between Chemtrails, Geoengineering, GMO,

1. What is Haarp?
HAARP is another “alpha-bet” geo-physics term for playing an electro-magnetic, “rainbow” game like “jacks” where the New World Order/Illuminati/high-degreed freemasonry global elite, toss the ball in our skies and then with the dipolar, radio frequency antenna, matrix-ed “jacks” tethered to the ground at a HAARP facility in Alaska and they create SKY MAGIC based on the fact that they are Luciferian mad scientists.
The HAARP antenna units resemble a “jack” which looks like a 3-D graph with “x”, “y” and “z” axis.
These units are matrix-ed together in a 33 acre plot in Alaska and they beam radio frequencies (VLF, 0.9-1 Hz) into the ionosphere, which is high above our earth’s surface (125 miles) and it is the thin, shield that originally was placed there by God, to protect life on earth from damaging solar radiation.
HAARP is an ionospheric heater in that its antenna matrix can shoot out electro-magnetic (EM) “jack” wave frequencies at the speed of light which are polarized in a circle so they have charges going east/west & north/south, hence they are like tumbling, rolling, racing EM, tiny “jack” magneto-spheres, which circle clock-wise and/or counter-clockwise having their own north & south poles.
This EMP-cum-matrix strike ionizes the ionosphere abnormally and overheats the plasma layer and almost instantaneously completely disrupts the earth’s natural, magnetic sphere from the North Pole to the South Pole and back.
The bubble HAARP creates when it overheats this ionosphere layer can be used to draw the climate-tsar JET STREAMS, higher up & into its box canyon.
This can create climate change lasting many months.
They can ping the newly created ionosphere bubble with ELF waves, the frequency of human brains and create mass mind control on targeted populations.
They can also ping targeted populations with the electromagnetic field finger print of any plague disease(whether viral or bacterial) and this can create the disease without the pathological organism being present.
2.  What are chemtrails and how to chemtrails and HAARP work together?
CIA Project Cloverleaf was the initial aerosolized heavy metal chemtrail spraying op.
Chemtrail barium salts absorb electromagnetic radiation, aluminum dioxides reflect it.
Chemtrail spraying allegedly commenced over N.A. by the early 1990s, using commercial & military airplanes and being sold as a Greenhouse gas/global warming mitigation strategy of the skies, which was & still is primarily in the hands of the U.S. military.
Barium, aluminum, thorium and selenium were/still are processed into sub-micron particles and ionized with a special electrical charge, for chemtrail spraying.
Theoretically, the partial science fraud sold to local gov’ts and inquiring sheople in N.A., was/is that the chemtrail heavy metal spraying will block and/or reflect the sunlight from entering the earth’s atmosphere, so that dangerous UV radiation levels will decline.
But it appears chemtrail spraying is actually be used with HAARP to create weather modification and/or climate change as a military tool, to gain control of targeted populations.
Microwaves, ELF, VLF and EMR/EMF-based systems are transmitted into the atmosphere, reflected by the ionosphere and back to earth’s atmosphere, polluted with chemtrails which contain various airborne, chemical particulates and other electromagnetic frequency absorbers and/or reflectors which are used to push or pull the JET STREAMS from their normal course and hence this will change weather patterns.
Drought induction occurs by heating the stratosphere (second major layer of the earth’s atmosphere) with microwaves, placing airborne chemical particulates in the airspace and thereby changing the base-line moisture gradients via microwaves from HAARP and desiccating chemically with barium, aluminum and potassium mixtures.
The severe drought in southern Russia along with the severe flooding in Pakistan in the summer of 2010 was allegedly created by likely a HAARP-like/scalar/ionospheric heater facility in Russia or Norway which split the JET STREAM over part of the world and turbo-charged it over Pakistan while diverting it away from southern Russia.
HAARP has be used for multiple purposes.  Its basic concept is a giant attenna,  utlize a large amount of power,and shooting beam  powers into the upper atmosphere. Thus being able to change and manipulate weather through the ionosphere. How much power is needed to modify weather? To say the least it can beam more then 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiation into the ionosphere. It is the opposite of a radio. It trasmits the powers instead of recieving. It heats the upper atmosphere, after effecting the ionosphere the radiations come back to earth and form long waves. The waves then enter the ground, the oceans, even our bodies. These people have the power to not only create but dismantle storms such as tornados, hurricanes, etc..   It is believed that HAARP is also:     An ionospheric heater
A research tool
A military test bed
A tax-subsidized boondoggle
A directed-energy weapon
A communication system for submarines
A source of field-aligned ionospheric VHF reflectors
A way to improve satellite links
A planetary x-ray machine
A plot to depopulate the Third World
A means of creating power blackouts at will
Electronic warfare
Tesla's wireless power transmission
Tesla's secret death ray
Searching for space aliens
Killing space aliens
Killing off the militias
Keeping them awake at night (through RF head rectification)
Enforcing the New World Order
Creating nuclear-scale explosions Weather modification
CIA mind control
Brain wave modification
The end of HF radio
The end of wildlife in Alaska
The end of atmospheric ozone
The end of the human race
The end of Earth itself

 ARCO, Eastlund and the Roots of HAARP
The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world